How much does it cost to become an inspector in texas?

In addition, Pennsylvania home inspectors must have general liability insurance and errors and omissions. Home inspectors in the state of South Carolina must be licensed by the South Carolina Residential Builders Commission. Home inspectors in Nevada are regulated by the Nevada Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry. The state has a rule that, to be a home inspector, a person must be a member of a non-profit organization. INSPECTION CERTIFICATION ASSOCIATES LLC is approved as a qualified educational provider for new home inspectors in Texas.

Provide proof that you have passed the national home inspection exam, which is performed through applied measurement professionals (AMP). Home inspectors are regulated by the state of Wisconsin, through the Department of Safety and Professional Services. AHIT provides approved training for those seeking to become real estate inspectors and professional real estate inspectors. You must attend a training school for home inspectors with a Board-approved curriculum and 80 hours of classroom training.

Full-time inspectors who run their own business on their own usually earn more than an employee who works for another home inspection company. Each state has different requirements, but getting a home inspection certification will always give a new inspector an advantage. Home inspectors are regulated by the Department of Consumer Protection, and need to be renewed every 2 years. Washington State home inspectors must be licensed by the Washington State Licensing Department. Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Houston, Austin and El Paso are examples of areas where home inspectors are busy.

Home inspectors are always in demand in Texas because the population of Texas is the second largest of the 50 states. Home Inspector Pro is a feature-rich premium report writing software that grows with you and your business.

Crystal Gores
Crystal Gores

Passionate twitter practitioner. Subtly charming coffee guru. Evil bacon evangelist. Lifelong bacon evangelist. Infuriatingly humble web nerd. Proud zombie evangelist.