How much does a home inspector make in louisiana?

In case you need a simple salary calculator, it works. At the end of each day, Louisiana home inspectors rest easy knowing that they have helped their peers. The ICA School offers an extensive catalog of resources and online courses to help you obtain your Louisiana home inspector license. The Louisiana home inspector license requirements are fairly easy to meet once you have become an ICA student. In fact, we train you specifically according to ASHI standards of practice and our school of home inspectors is a gold-level member of ASHI.

Louisiana home inspectors who train online may find themselves rushing to read the content in their quest to cross the finish line. Review the job postings and experience requirements for the position of home inspector to confirm that this is the job you are looking for. If you're eager to get your Louisiana home inspector license, ICA School is the best way to start. We offer a free one-month membership to InterNACHI, a leading professional organization that helps facilitate networking and career advancement for home inspectors across the country. Yes, to work as a home inspector in Bayou State, you must have formal training and a license.

Crystal Gores
Crystal Gores

Passionate twitter practitioner. Subtly charming coffee guru. Evil bacon evangelist. Lifelong bacon evangelist. Infuriatingly humble web nerd. Proud zombie evangelist.